Digital Africa
Digital Africa
Episode #27: Marketing Strategies for African Startups

Episode #27: Marketing Strategies for African Startups

In this episode, we explore marketing strategies from an investor perspective - what works, what doesn’t work, and other useful insights from a VC. Our guest today is Jessica Fortune Oguh of Ingressive Capital.


💬 Telling your story and simplifying your pitch

👥 The importance of user groups when building communities and a userbase 

👍 The importance of user testimonials for gaining trust and credibility

📅 The need to have a well-thought-out marketing strategy that can be tested and improved upon

🎧 Talking to users and listening to them to help iterate your product

📣 Leveraging social media to build a brand and engage with users (current and potential)

🔭 Find where your audience is online, where they hang out

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